Welcome fans of Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis... For me, he is and always will be the King of Comedy. He is an inspiration for me and, no doubt, for many others too... Comedy makes our hearts filled with happiness even when times are dark. It is in those moments of sadness that we need to laugh and smile... Jerry Lewis is the best to make me feel young. Well, this is my blog about one of my great inspiration, Jerry Lewis : The King of Comedy

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hey you!

You yeah you! If you are a fan of Jerry Lewis you came to the good place! ;) How do you like my seller self? Well, I finally finished my first year in Cegep in Cinéma et Communication and I loved it! Can't wait to begin my third semester... 8P I began to work as a casher... Pfff! this is a lot of work! I hurt my toe and I have to stand up all day... Anyway, I need this money! :P That's the only way I can live now... I can't wait to depend my life entirely on cinema...

How was it for a first post? Well, here's a video for the occasion

Jerry and Dean goes to the movies


  1. Hey pallie, thanks so much for droppin' some patter over at ilovedinomartin....gotta 'fess up that for the longest time I was not a fan of the jer 'til I read his Dino-bio..."Dean and Me: A Love Story" and realized how much the kid loved our Dino...and no one ever got as close to our beloved Dino then the jer....speadin' a decade together as the coolest of coolest pallies....good success with your new venture....

  2. Hey thank you for your comment I could not go on this blog because I was too much busy with my work and doing video tribute... NOW I made a promise to myself to update this blog everytime I can... Wel! I am very glad that you like Jerry now! First I just like his movies and how funny he was and then I saw the love he had with Dean Martin and I began to read his book too! And that's how I fell in love with Dean Martin :3
